Vi startet fra Eidet kl. 09:50 i fint vær på morgenen den 19. juli 2005. Underveis besøkte vi Eikehaug-hytta, som ligger ved Eidsvann, 10 moh. Mens vi padlet, passerte vi en stor stein eller odde med et lite hull på toppen, kalt Prekestolen på kartet, uten at vi vet hvorfor. Vi bar kanoen over til Leivann via en fin sti, som gjorde transporten lett. Padlingen i Leivann, som ligger 7 moh., begynte kl. 10:15. Det finnes ingen stier langs Leivann, ettersom vannet tidligere ble brukt som transportvei; båter om sommeren og isen om vinteren.
Klokken 11:00 satte vi kursen mot Lonene, en lang vannløp med mye siv og vannliljer. Vi passerte et vakkert område kalt Teigen. Innerst i Lonene kunne vi padle et stykke oppover elva som kommer fra Skarvann. Her fikk vi øye på tre storfugler som fløy av gårde; vi tror det var hegre. Klokken var nå 11:55. Fra dette punktet bar vi kanoen et lite stykke til Skarvann, som ligger 18 moh. Her gikk det en sti og vei helt frem, og vi innså at det hadde vært praktisk om vi hadde husket hjulene til kanoen. Det tok omtrent en halv time å bære kanoen fra Lonene til Skarvann. Nå befant vi oss i Risør kommune.
Vi fant en liten øy i Skarvann for en matpause. Dette store vannet har mange smale sund, og det arrangeres årlig en stor isfiskekonkurranse her. Vi padlet videre mot Skarvang gård, og da vi var ferdige med dette vannet, var klokken blitt 14:00. Derfra måtte vi bære kanoen over en sti og gjennom jordene på Skarvang gård. Vi ankom Hansjø, 26 moh., kl. 14:30, og var da tilbake i Kragerø kommune. Vi padlet over Hansjø og inn i Posttjenn, og var fremme ved dammen i Posttjenn kl. 15:00. Derfra dro vi kanoen langs elva som renner ut i Mørlandstjenna, men kunne bare padle noen få meter i elva. Jeg anbefaler å følge stien som går på venstre side av elva nedover mot Mørlandstjenna.
Vi satte kanoen på Mørlandstjenna, 14 moh., kl. 15:50, og nådde Kjølebrønn kl. 16:00, hvor vi bar kanoen ned til Kjølebrønnskilen i saltvann. Derfra padlet vi rundt og inn i Barlandskilen, og videre inn til Eidet, hvor vi bar kanoen opp til Eidsvann. Klokken var nå 17:25. Hele turen tok 7 timer og 25 minutter, inkludert noen små pauser.
We started from Eidet at 9:50 AM in fine weather on the morning of July 19th, 2005. Along the way, we visited the Eikehaug cabin, which is located by Eidsvann, at an elevation of 10 meters above sea level. As we paddled, we passed a large rock or promontory with a small hole at the top, called Prekestolen on the map, though we don’t know why. We carried the canoe over to Leivann via a good path, making the transport easy. We started paddling in Leivann, which is at an elevation of 7 meters above sea level, at 10:15 AM. There are no trails along Leivann, as the water was historically used as a transport route; boats in summer and the ice in winter. At 11:00 AM, we set off towards Lonene, a long watercourse with plenty of reeds and water lilies. We passed a beautiful spot called Teigen. At the far end of Lonene, we could paddle a bit up the river that comes from Skarvann. Here, we spotted three large birds flying away, which we believe were herons. The time was now 11:55 AM. From there, we had to carry the canoe a short distance to Skarvann, which is 18 meters above sea level. There was a trail and a road all the way to Skarvann, and we realized that it would have been convenient if we had remembered the canoe wheels. It took about half an hour to carry the canoe from Lonene to Skarvann. We were now in Risør municipality. We found a small island in Skarvann for a lunch break. This large lake has many narrow straits, and there is an annual ice fishing competition held here. We continued paddling towards Skarvang farm, and by the time we finished with this lake, it was 2:00 PM. From there, we had to carry the canoe along a path and across the fields at Skarvang farm. We arrived at Hansjø, at an elevation of 26 meters above sea level, at 2:30 PM and were back in Kragerø municipality. We paddled across Hansjø and into Posttjenn, arriving at the dam in Posttjenn at 3:00 PM. From there, we dragged the canoe down the river that flows into Mørlandstjenna, but we could only paddle a few meters in the river. I recommend taking the trail that runs on the left side of the river heading down towards Mørlandstjenna. We put the canoe into Mørlandstjenna, at an elevation of 14 meters above sea level, at 3:50 PM, and reached Kjølebrønn at 4:00 PM, where we carried the canoe down to Kjølebrønnskilen in the saltwater. From there, we paddled around and into Barlandskilen, and further into Eidet, where we carried the canoe back up to Eidsvann. It was now 5:25 PM. The entire trip took 7 hours and 25 minutes, including a few short breaks.
We started from Eidet at 9:50 AM in fine weather on the morning of July 19th, 2005. Along the way, we visited the Eikehaug cabin, which is located by Eidsvann, at an elevation of 10 meters above sea level. As we paddled, we passed a large rock or promontory with a small hole at the top, called Prekestolen on the map, though we don’t know why. We carried the canoe over to Leivann via a good path, making the transport easy. We started paddling in Leivann, which is at an elevation of 7 meters above sea level, at 10:15 AM. There are no trails along Leivann, as the water was historically used as a transport route; boats in summer and the ice in winter. At 11:00 AM, we set off towards Lonene, a long watercourse with plenty of reeds and water lilies. We passed a beautiful spot called Teigen. At the far end of Lonene, we could paddle a bit up the river that comes from Skarvann. Here, we spotted three large birds flying away, which we believe were herons. The time was now 11:55 AM. From there, we had to carry the canoe a short distance to Skarvann, which is 18 meters above sea level. There was a trail and a road all the way to Skarvann, and we realized that it would have been convenient if we had remembered the canoe wheels. It took about half an hour to carry the canoe from Lonene to Skarvann. We were now in Risør municipality. We found a small island in Skarvann for a lunch break. This large lake has many narrow straits, and there is an annual ice fishing competition held here. We continued paddling towards Skarvang farm, and by the time we finished with this lake, it was 2:00 PM. From there, we had to carry the canoe along a path and across the fields at Skarvang farm. We arrived at Hansjø, at an elevation of 26 meters above sea level, at 2:30 PM and were back in Kragerø municipality. We paddled across Hansjø and into Posttjenn, arriving at the dam in Posttjenn at 3:00 PM. From there, we dragged the canoe down the river that flows into Mørlandstjenna, but we could only paddle a few meters in the river. I recommend taking the trail that runs on the left side of the river heading down towards Mørlandstjenna. We put the canoe into Mørlandstjenna, at an elevation of 14 meters above sea level, at 3:50 PM, and reached Kjølebrønn at 4:00 PM, where we carried the canoe down to Kjølebrønnskilen in the saltwater. From there, we paddled around and into Barlandskilen, and further into Eidet, where we carried the canoe back up to Eidsvann. It was now 5:25 PM. The entire trip took 7 hours and 25 minutes, including a few short breaks.
![eidsvann_skarvann_kanotur_kart Eidsvann](https://www.turer.no/turer/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/eidsvann_skarvann_kanotur_kart.png)