Turen gikk til Ramslifjell, som ligger på grensen mellom Gjerstad og Kragerø kommuner, med toppunktet i Kragerø. Målet for turen var å finne et utsiktspunkt. Vi parkerte ved bommen ved Lindtjenn og fulgte den gamle postveien fra 1689, som passerer Lindkjenn. Langs veien står et informasjonsskilt ved et gammelt brokar, som forteller historien om denne historiske ruten.
Ved et veiskille tok vi til venstre, opp gamle traktorveier mot Ramslifjell. Lenger oppe delte veien seg igjen; vi så en rødmerket sti til høyre, hvor en liten del var steinsatt. Det var imidlertid uklart hvor den rødmerkede løypa førte. Vi valgte derfor stien til venstre, som nesten tok oss til toppen. Etter å ha gått det siste stykket, nådde vi toppunktet på Ramslifjell, men fant ingen utsikt der. Vi utforsket området på heia, som var åpent og fint, men uten å finne noe spesielt utsiktspunkt.
Vi fortsatte videre til trigpunktet, som ligger litt lavere enn toppunktet på Ramslifjell. Her fant vi endelig et flott utsiktspunkt. På stedet står det en liten jernstolpe, alt som er igjen av trigpunktet. I jernet var det stemplet “N.G.O.” På 1950- og 60-tallet satte Kartverket opp slike trigonometriske signaler over hele Norge for å gjøre oppmåling og kartlegging enklere. Med moderne GPS-teknologi er disse punktene i dag ikke lenger i bruk. De opprinnelige koordinatene ble beregnet i NGO1948-systemet, som i 2009 ble erstattet av EUREF89 og UTM-systemet.
Fra trigpunktet fortsatte vi mot Lindtjennknuten, men fant ikke noe utsiktspunkt fra denne knuten. På vei ned til Lindtjenn kom vi inn på en gammel steinsatt sti. Tilbake ved bilen tok vi en avstikker til Øvre Søndbø, en gammel boplass. Her var det tydelig at den siste beboeren kunne ha ryddet opp litt før stedet ble forlatt.
The trip went to Ramslifjell, located on the border between the municipalities of Gjerstad and Kragerø, with the summit situated in Kragerø. The goal of the hike was to find a viewpoint. We parked by the gate at Lindtjenn and followed the old postal road from 1689, which passes Lindkjenn. Along the way, an informational sign by an old bridge foundation shares the history of this historic route. At a fork in the road, we turned left onto old tractor paths leading toward Ramslifjell. Higher up, the path split again; to the right, we noticed a red-marked trail, with a small section paved with stones. However, it was unclear where the red-marked trail led. Instead, we chose the path to the left, which brought us almost to the top. After covering the final stretch, we reached the summit of Ramslifjell but found no view there. We explored the open and scenic heathland but did not come across any notable viewpoints. We continued to the trig point, located slightly below Ramslifjell’s summit. Here, we finally discovered a great viewpoint. A small iron post, all that remains of the trig point, stands at the site. The iron post is stamped with “N.G.O.” During the 1950s and 60s, the Norwegian Mapping Authority installed such trigonometric signals across Norway to facilitate surveying and mapping. With modern GPS technology, these points are no longer in use. The original coordinates were calculated in the NGO1948 system, which was replaced by the EUREF89 and UTM systems in 2009. From the trig point, we continued toward Lindtjennknuten but found no viewpoint on this peak either. On our way down to Lindtjenn, we came across an old stone-paved path. Back at the car, we made a detour to Øvre Søndbø, an old homestead. It was evident that the last resident could have tidied up a bit before leaving the place.
The trip went to Ramslifjell, located on the border between the municipalities of Gjerstad and Kragerø, with the summit situated in Kragerø. The goal of the hike was to find a viewpoint. We parked by the gate at Lindtjenn and followed the old postal road from 1689, which passes Lindkjenn. Along the way, an informational sign by an old bridge foundation shares the history of this historic route. At a fork in the road, we turned left onto old tractor paths leading toward Ramslifjell. Higher up, the path split again; to the right, we noticed a red-marked trail, with a small section paved with stones. However, it was unclear where the red-marked trail led. Instead, we chose the path to the left, which brought us almost to the top. After covering the final stretch, we reached the summit of Ramslifjell but found no view there. We explored the open and scenic heathland but did not come across any notable viewpoints. We continued to the trig point, located slightly below Ramslifjell’s summit. Here, we finally discovered a great viewpoint. A small iron post, all that remains of the trig point, stands at the site. The iron post is stamped with “N.G.O.” During the 1950s and 60s, the Norwegian Mapping Authority installed such trigonometric signals across Norway to facilitate surveying and mapping. With modern GPS technology, these points are no longer in use. The original coordinates were calculated in the NGO1948 system, which was replaced by the EUREF89 and UTM systems in 2009. From the trig point, we continued toward Lindtjennknuten but found no viewpoint on this peak either. On our way down to Lindtjenn, we came across an old stone-paved path. Back at the car, we made a detour to Øvre Søndbø, an old homestead. It was evident that the last resident could have tidied up a bit before leaving the place.