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Steindammen i Gunnulvsvann/Wiborgtjenna ble oppført i 1754 i forbindelse med møllene langs bekken. Senere ble den brukt som en dam for isproduksjon. Gunnulvsvann har gradvis blitt mindre brukt over tid. Familien Wiborg bodde i nærheten og drev isbruket ved dammen. Navnet Gunnulvsvann finnes fortsatt på offentlige kart.

The stone dam in Gunnulvsvann/Wiborgtjenna was constructed in 1754 in connection with the mills along the stream. Later, it was used as a reservoir for ice production. Over time, Gunnulvsvann has gradually fallen out of use. The Wiborg family lived nearby and operated the ice industry at the dam. The name Gunnulvsvann still appears on public maps.


